
Editorial Team
Editor’s Note: Lisa Kristine is a humanitarian photographer and artist. The opinions expressed in this commentary are her own. July 3, 2021 Carbon offsets, a purported solution to climate change that has been plagued by greenwashing, are making a comeback at the COP27 climate summit. The idea that companies should pay for credits that match...
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Courtesy of: allAfrica Published May 1, 2019 Carbon offsets, a purported solution to climate change that has been plagued by greenwashing, are making a comeback at the COP27 climate summit. The idea that companies should pay for credits that match their carbon footprint with reductions achieved elsewhere—by forest conservation, renewable energy farms, or other climate-friendly...
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By Tim McDonnell PublishedNovember 10, 2022 Carbon offsets, a purported solution to climate change that has been plagued by greenwashing, are making a comeback at the COP27 climate summit. The idea that companies should pay for credits that match their carbon footprint with reductions achieved elsewhere—by forest conservation, renewable energy farms, or other climate-friendly activities,...
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Experts estimate there are between 1,000 and 1,600 species of bamboo throughout the globe. Members of this long species listing can grow in almost every climate, although most bamboo is found in tropical and equatorial regions. Ghana is home to at least 7 bamboo species. It is estimated there are over 300,000 hectares of wild...
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Mangroves are considered one of the best natural carbon-sequesters in the world. A healthy mangrove plant has a life span of approximately 25 years during which it will sequester on average 840 tonnes of carbon per hectare. Mangrove restoration addresses all 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through restoration we will support...
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BlackRock’s support for shareholder environmental and social proposals has fallen significantly in the U.S., with the world’s largest asset manager voting in favor of less than a quarter of proposals over the past year, according to its latest proxy voting report. Covering the annual meeting season through July, last month’s report reveals BlackRock supported just...
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Companies today are adding a new goal to appease stakeholders – a net-zero pledge, or a commitment to release no more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than those taken out Courtesy of:
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Coastal risks are rising and at the same time we are losing coastal habitats, like mangroves, which can function as a first line of defense for coastal communities. In this study, we used an insurance industry catastrophe model to quantify the economic benefits of mangroves in Florida for reducing coastal flood damages annually...
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Hurricanes and tropical storms are estimated to cost the U.S. economy more than US$50 billion yearly in damage from winds and flooding. And as these storms travel across the Atlantic, they also ravage many Caribbean nations. We study coastal ecosystems and how to value the natural coastal defenses provided by mangroves, marshes and coral reefs. In a new study, we map flood risks along...
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Protecting our planet from multiple threats – the forest defence with an otherworldly appearance. With their unique ability to survive in the transition zone between land and sea, these salt-tolerant trees are among the most productive and biologically complex ecosystems on Earth. They battle climate change, shield coastlines from tempestuous seas, offer protection and shelter...
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